Some common rules to follow on this page:

1. You are allowed to disagree, but you must do it respectfully.
2. Never be racially negative, offensive or make sexual remarks.
3. If you are using information to back up your statement, I will be checking the page out before we allow things to post. If you are simply writing a 'feel' message, without intending to support your ideas, I reserve the right to agree or disagree to add your post.

Lets Begin With Nature Vs. Nurture....

Before I post the link to read my college material that I've written, I'd like to introduce this familiar topic to you.  Every scientist right now appears to have the common argument as to whether or not nature rules our life or on the other hand is it the nurturing we receive that helps us to grow and become who we are.  The problem, as you will read from my written course material is simple to me personally.

I feel we need to have both and it's not really called "Nature vs. Nurture", but rather, "Nature and Nurture".  Please be sure to check out my material, which will then link to my personal opinion and the spot which you may submit your comments.  Finally, I will share a personal story in my diary area that you can reach easily from a new link involving this topic.