Some common rules to follow on this page:

1. You are allowed to disagree, but you must do it respectfully.
2. Never be racially negative, offensive or make sexual remarks.
3. If you are using information to back up your statement, I will be checking the page out before we allow things to post. If you are simply writing a 'feel' message, without intending to support your ideas, I reserve the right to agree or disagree to add your post.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Dissecting Life: My Personal Diary

Dissecting Life: My Personal Diary

Dissecting Life: Announcement: New Blog Area Added

Scientific Studies In Human Nature

Scientific Studies In Human Nature

Scientific Studies In Human Nature

Scientific Studies In Human Nature
Many people in the courses I’ve attended adopt the attitude of believing everything in the book our instructors teach us with। The bad news is the book is but one direction to put our thoughts into, and while other students simply just agree with any and all information found in books, I am the person who tends to argue each and every point, but to this date, I have a 3.97 GPA. Don’t just listen and believe everything that’s told to you. A wise person will question the details and come up with something that suits them personally. A good scientist should let their own ideas, but only after scientific documentation provides proof of your vision, be used if they don’t agree with someone else, and if there is no documentation, then it’s time to experiment!